Living Like a Lamb Among 21st Century Wolves: Balancing Grace and Truth

In a day when the polar opposite worldviews are endlessly hostile, confrontational and seemingly intent
on eliminating each other from public dialogue and discourse of each’s particular views of life, this is a
book on how we Christians should respond to our current world dilemmas as well as to each other—
with grace and truth! Carefully and skillfully handling Scripture, culture and history, Paul Estabrooks lays out a map for all Christians on how to maintain a grace-filled approach to what are clearly “wolves
intent on Christian destruction and silence” while sharing the stories of persecuted Christians
elsewhere who exemplify being overcomers.
How do Christians cope with eroding religious freedoms and increased hostility to the Gospel? How do Christians maintain a salt and light presence in a dark and corrupt world? In “Living like a Lamb Among 21st Century Wolves,” my friend Paul Estabrooks explores the answers to these questions by closely examining God’s Word coupled with his vast experience serving persecuted Christians. The knowledge gained by walking with those who suffer for righteousness makes Paul the ideal person to help tackle the issues of faith under pressure. As Christians, we can live productive and successful lives here on earth by balancing grace and truth, a missing ingredient in practical discipleship. Thank you, Paul, for this timely and essential teaching. – Floyd A Brobbel, CEO, Voice of the Martyrs Canada